
QuantifiCare is a global company specializing in 2D and 3D photography of the skin and body.To operate successfully, we encourage diversity across all departments of our company. QuantifiCare is looking for motivated and talented individuals to contribute to the success of our fast-growing company.

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Mutual Trust and Transparency: Core Commitments of QuantifiCare Whistleblowing Rights

Because transparency builds trust, QuantifiCare has established both internal and external procedures for receiving and handling reports of potential behaviors that violate the company’s Code of Conduct. This is done through a dedicated email address:
integrityline @ The use of this system guarantees whistleblower status for individuals or groups who report violations.
The integrity and confidentiality of the information provided are guaranteed, along with the anonymity of the individuals submitting the report, in line with the European Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of October 23, 2019, and the French law of March 21, 2022.
QuantifiCare is committed to taking corrective actions in the event of a violation of its Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

QuantifiCare is committed to upholding the 1998 ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which outlines four categories of fundamental labor rights defined by eight ILO conventions. These fundamental rights include the freedom of association and collective bargaining (Conventions 87 and 98), the prohibition of forced or compulsory labor (Conventions 29 and 105), the elimination of discrimination and ensuring equality of treatment (Conventions 100 and 111), and the elimination of child labor (Conventions 138 and 182).

Gender Equality Index

QuantifiCare is committed to providing equal opportunities to all its employees, regardless of gender. We are proud to announce that our Gender Index (Index Women/Men) increased in 2025 to 99/100 (from 98/100 in 2024 and 97/100 in 2023).

The 4 indicators are as below :
– Salary Index : 39/40
– Salary Increases Index : 35/35
– Impact of Maternity leaves on salaries : 15/15
– % of Women in Top Management : 10/10