PMFA News: 3D photography in facial rejuvenation
Interested in new techniques to reach facial rejuvenation? Find an article about us in PMFA News written by six specialists about our 3D systems. Our solutions help you to...
Aesthetic insider: 3D LifeViz® Mini used in DefenAge skin care study
At the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery congress in June, Dr. Taub, Dr. Vivian Bucay and Dr. Gregory Keller presented their study of Age Repair Defensins® made with the help of the 3D...
PMFA news: The value of 3D – Dr Amato’s experience with the LifeViz® Infinity
Breast augmentation: choosing the ideal implant size. Fernando Amato discusses the value of using 3D simulated imaging to help patients make the right decision about their implant size.
...LifeViz® Mini: Winner of Best Aesthetic Device award
Paris, France — Tuesday, October 27, 2015 – QuantifiCare announces today that their 3D LifeViz® Mini has been named the Best Aesthetic Device at the Third Annual Aesthetic &...
QuantifiCare launches new 3D Skin Analysis application
Once again, the global imaging company enhances the doctor/patient experience with its latest addition – the SkinCare module. Practitioners can measure/analyze topical facial skin conditions and generate a full...